Snohomish County
Sduhubš (Snohomish), Sdukʷalbixʷ (Snoqualmie)
Sqaǰətabš (Skagit) , saʔqʷəbixʷ-suyaƛ̕ʔbixʷ (Suiattle), and Stuləgʷábš (Stillaguamish) peoples
Stillaguamish Tribe, Tulalip Tribes, Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe
In late 2022 CRF helped form a coalition to protect legacy forests in Snohomish County, which has found success engaging Snohomish County Council on this issue. We have also lead a number of community hikes and survey trainings to educate the larger community about legacy forests under threat. There are a number of ways to get involved. We need more people who can give public comments at County Council meetings, write letters to the editor, and survey timber sales.
CRF has developed a report on Mature Forests in the County that Need Our Help!
Legacy Forests in Snohomish County
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