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Expertise in Action:
Advocating for
Responsible Forestry
in Western Washington

What We Do

Public Education

First, we aim to raise public awareness about the importance of these forests and the threats they face.

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We do this by educating the public about the ecological, cultural, and economic values of these forests, as well as the negative impacts of destructive logging practices. This includes fact-forward community engagement.

Timber Sales

Secondly,  we document proposed timber sales to fact check DNR and provide insight into the ecological value of these forests. When legacy forests are included in timber sales, CRF notifies the impacted communities and supports strategies to oppose these sales at the State level. 


Policy Advocacy

Finally, we advocate for policies and regulations on the state level that protect these forests and the species that depend on them. This involves educating government officials, advocating for stronger environmental protections, and building coalitions with other organizations to achieve shared goals.

Our Toolbox


There are a number of tools county governments and tribes can use to permanently conserve legacy forests. CRF is supporting a number of counties in pursuing these tools and funding sources. 

Contact if you work for tribes or county governments and want support from CRF in these efforts.

Trust Land Transfer

Established by the Washington State Legislature in 1989, the Trust Land Transfer (TLT) program allows the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to reposition state trust lands to better serve trust beneficiaries and the people of Washington. 

 Through TLT, in order to permanently conserve a parcel, DNR transfers these areas out of trust status to DNR’s Natural Areas Program, another public agency, or a Tribe. DNR then purchases replacement land that can earn long-term, sustainable revenue for the affected trust(s). In some cases impacted counties may be able to obtain some of the value upfront in cash rather than all of it in replacement land.

TLT is funded by the Washington State Legislature.

Current Status

State legislators in Olympia invested a landmark $83 million in forest conservation and ecological forest management practices to boost carbon sequestration on state lands. This funding marks the first time the state government will set aside timber acreage strictly for its carbon value, by designating it a high-impact “natural climate solution” worthy of funding under the Climate Commitment Act’s Natural Climate Solutions Account.


This new funding will permanently conserve 2,000 acres of older, carbon dense, structurally complex state forests across Western Washington and buy younger replacement forests to provide revenue to rural communities. Some of the replacement timberlands bought by the funds will also replace “encumbered” lands that were previously removed from the timber sale schedule due to endangered species requirements. This package also funds silvicultural practices on state lands that will improve forest health and increase carbon sequestration.

Natural Climate Solutions

Current Status

  • 2,000 acres of mature "structurally complex, carbon dense" state forestlands will be conserved this year.

  • County governments must consent to forestlands from their county to be included.

  • This acreage is being identified right now! CRF is actively campaigning for county governments to nominate forests best suited for this program. Check out our County Pages to learn more.


Counties may request state trust lands originally conveyed by counties to the state for use as parks (RCW 79.22.300, 1969). Proposed use must be consistent with the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). DNR evaluates proposals and presents recommendations to the Board of Natural Resources (BNR). Learn more HERE.  

Examples Include: 

  • In 2013 Whatcom County reconveyed 8,844 acres in the Lake Whatcom watershed.

  • In 2011 Kitsap County reconveyed 304 acres to make the Newberry Hill Heritage Park.

Current Status

  • Counties may request state trust lands originally conveyed by counties to the state for use as parks (RCW 79.22.300, 1969)

  • Proposed use must be consistent with State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)

  • DNR evaluates proposal and presents recommendation to BNR

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